
  1. D.H. Saputera, M. Jakobsen, K.W.A. van Dongen, N. Jahano, K. Solberg, S. Alyaev, “3D Induction log modelling with Integral Equation Method and Domain Decomposition Preconditioning,” Geophysical Journal International 236(2), pp. 834-848, Feb. 2024.
  2. M. Jakobsen, K. Xiang, K.W.A. van Dongen, “Seismic and medical ultrasound imaging of velocity and density variations by nonlinear vectorial inverse scattering,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America 153(5), May 2023.
  3. W. Zhao, Y. Fan, H. Wang, H. Gemmeke, K.W.A. van Dongen, T. Hopp, and J. Hesser, “Simulation-to-real generalization for deep-learning-based refraction-corrected ultrasound tomography image reconstruction,” Physics in Medicine and Biology 68(3), 035016, Jan. 2023.
  4. W. Zhao, H. Wang, H. Gemmeke, K.W.A. van Dongen, T. Hopp, J. Hesser, “Ultrasound Transmission Tomography Image Reconstruction with Fully Convolutional Neural Network,” Physics in Medicine & Biology 65 (23), 235021, Nov. 2020.
  5. S. Sanes Negrete, J.C. Muñoz-Cuartas, C.A. Vera-Ciro, and K.W.A. van Dongen, “Modeling Acoustic Waves in Locally Enhanced Meshes with a Staggered-Grid Finite Difference Approach Corresponding,” Wave Motion 98, 102624, Nov. 2020.
  6. U. Taskin and K.W.A. van Dongen, “Multi-parameter inversion with the aid of particle velocity field reconstruction,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 47(6), pp. 4032-4040, May 2020.
  7. U. Taskin, J. van der Neut, G. Hartmut and K.W.A. van Dongen, “Redatuming of 2-D Wave Fields Measured on an Arbitrary-Shaped Closed Aperture,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 67(1), pp. 173-179, Jan. 2020.
  8. K.W.A. van Dongen, A.J. de Blécourt, E. Lens, D.R. Schaart, and F.M. Vos, “Reconstructing the 3-D proton dose distribution using iono-acoustics,” Physics in Medicine and Biology 64(22), pp. 225005, Nov. 2019.
  9. G.A. Meles, J. van der Neut, K.W.A. van Dongen, and K. Wapenaar, “Wavefield Focusing in Finite Time with Reduced Spatial Exposure“, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 145(6), pp. 3521-3530, June 2019.
  10. B. Ouyang, L. Yanlu LI, M. Kruidhof, R. Horsten, K.W.A. van Dongen, and J. Caro, “An on-chip silicon Mach-Zehnder interferometer sensor for ultrasound detection,” Optics Letters 44(8), 1928-1931, April 2019. https//
  11. J. van der Neut, J.T. Fokkema, P.M. van den Berg, M. Zapf, N.V. Ruiter, U. Taskin, and K.W.A. van Dongen, “Ultrasonic Synthetic-Aperture Interface Imaging,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 66(5), 888-897, March 2019.
  12. M. Zapf, K. Hohlfeld, N.V. Ruiter, P. Pfistner, K.W.A. van Dongen, H. Gemmeke, A. Michaelis, S.E. Gebhardt, “Development of Single‐Fiber Piezocomposite Transducers for 3‐D Ultrasound Computer Tomography,” Advanced Engineering Materials 20(9), 1800423 (1-8), Sept. 2018.
  13. J. van der Neut, P.M. van den Berg, J.T. Fokkema and K.W.A. van Dongen, “Acoustic interface contrast imaging,” Inverse Problems 34(11), Feb. 2018. DOI:
  14. U. Taskin, N. Ozmen, H. Gemmeke, and K.W.A. van Dongen, “Modeling breast ultrasound; on the applicability of commonly made approximations,” Archives of Acoustics 43(3), pp. 425-435, April 2018.
  15. A.B. Ramirez and K.W.A. van Dongen, “Sparsity Constrained Contrast Source Inversion,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America 140(3), 1749-1757, Aug. 2016.
  16. V. Daeichin, C. Chen, Q. Ding, M Wu, R. Beurskens; G. Springeling, E. Noothout, M.D. Verweij, K.W.A. van Dongen, J.G. Bosch, A.F.W. van der Steen, N. de Jong, M. Pertijs, G. van Soest, “A broadband PVDF-based hydrophone with integrated readout circuit for intravascular photoacoustic imaging,” Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 42(5), pp. 1239-1243, Feb. 2016.
  17. N. Ozmen, R. Dapp, M. Zapf, H. Gemmeke, N.V. Ruiter and K.W.A. van Dongen, “Comparing different ultrasound imaging methods for breast cancer detection,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 62(4), pp. 637-646, April 2015.
  18. N. Sarkalkan, A.J. Loeve, K.W.A. van Dongen, G.J.M. Tuijthof, A.A. Zadpoor, “A novel ultrasound technique for detection of osteochondral defects in the ankle joint: a parametric and feasibility study,” Sensors 15, pp. 148-165, Dec. 2014.
  19. M.D. Verweij, L. Demi and K.W.A. van Dongen, “Computation of nonlinear ultrasound fields using a linearized contrast source method,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134(2), pp. 1442-1453, Aug. 2013.
  20. E.J. Alles and K.W.A. van Dongen, “Iterative reconstruction of the transducer surface velocity,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 60(5), pp. 954-962, May 2013. https//
  21. L. Demi, M.D. Verweij and K.W.A. van Dongen, “Parallel transmit beamforming using orthogonal frequency division multiplexing applied to harmonic imaging – A feasibility study,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 59(11), pp. 2439-2447, Nov. 2012.
  22. E.J. Alles, Y. Zhu, K.W.A. van Dongen and R.J. McGough, “Rapid transient pressure field computations in the nearfield of circular transducers using frequency domain time-space decomposition,” Ultrasonic Imaging 34(4), pp. 237-260, Oct. 2012.
  23. W.J. Westerveld, S.M. Leinders, K.W.A. van Dongen, H.P. Urbach and M. Yousefi, “Extension of Marcatili’s analytical approach for rectangular silicon optical waveguides,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 30(14), pp. 2388-2401, July 2012.
  24. W.J. Westerveld, J. Pozo, P.J. Harmsma, R. Schmits, E. Tabak, T.C. van den Dool, S.M. Leinders, K.W.A. van Dongen, H.P. Urbach and M. Yousefi, “Characterization of a photonic strain sensor in silicon-on-insulator technology,” Optics Letters 37(4), pp. 479–481, Feb. 2012.
  25. K.W.A. van Dongen and M.D. Verweij, “A feasibility study for non-invasive thermometry using non-linear ultrasound,” International Journal of Hyperthermia 27(6), pp. 612-624, Sep. 2011.
  26. E.J. Alles and K.W.A. van Dongen, “Perfectly Matched Layers for Frequency Domain Integral Equation Acoustic Scattering Problems,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 58(5), pp. 1077-1086, May 2011.
  27. L. Demi, K.W.A. van Dongen and M.D. Verweij, “A contrast source method for nonlinear acoustic wave fields in media with spatially inhomogeneous attenuation,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129(3), pp. 1221-1230, March 2011.
  28. J.F. Bakker, M.M. Paulides, I.-M. Obdeijn, G.C. van Rhoon and K.W.A. van Dongen, “An ultrasound cylindrical phased-array for deep heating in the breast: theoretical design using heterogeneous models,” Physics in Medicine and Biology 54, pp. 3201-3215, May 2009.
  29. K.W.A. van Dongen and W.M.D. Wright, “A full vectorial Contrast Source inversion scheme for 3D acoustic imaging of both compressibility and density profiles,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 121(3), pp. 1538-1549, March 2007.
  30. K.W.A. van Dongen, C. Brennan and W.M.D. Wright, “A reduced forward operator for electromagnetic wave scattering problems,” IET Science, Measurement & Technology 1(1), pp. 57–62, Jan. 2007.
  31. K.W.A. van Dongen and W.M.D. Wright, “A forward model and conjugate gradient inversion technique for low-frequency ultrasonic imaging,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 120(4), pp. 2086-2095, Oct. 2006.
  32. K.W.A. van Dongen, P.M. van den Berg and I. Nicolaescu, “Subsurface imaging using measured near-field antenna footprints,” Near Surface Geophysics 2(1), pp. 33-39, Feb. 2004.
  33. K.W.A. van Dongen, R. van Waard, S. van der Baan, P.M. van den Berg and J.T. Fokkema, “A directional borehole radar system,” Subsurface Sensing Technologies and Applications, An International Journal 3(4), pp. 327-346, Oct. 2002.